Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Quirky this!

My adorable sis-in-law Randi, tagged me with this "Quirky" tag.  I must say that it was pretty hard to think about my personal quirky-ness.  I can tell you every quirky thing about all of my kids.  I had to strain my brain to remember that I am actually a real person in here! :)  Don't worry though; Jeremy didn't seem to have a hard time at all thinking of six for me.  In fact, we had to do a top six!

Here are the rules:
1. Mention the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 other
bloggers .

So, here you go...the top six unspectacular quirks of mine...

1.  I go absolutely crazy over the smell of a brand new, freshly opened can of tennis balls!  I can't explain it, but it makes me so happy.  Everyone who really loves me lets me have the privilege of opening the can so I can have that very first whiff!  If that's not quirky, then I don't know what is...

2.  I almost always chew my drinks.  Go ahead and laugh...everyone else does!  I have a hard time swallowing anything- liquid or not- that has not been first thoroughly chewed.

3.  I have an aversion to saliva.  Really...the smell of dried saliva (mine, or anyone else's) is just more than I can take! 

4.  When I sing along to any songs, I almost always sing harmony.  Melody can be so boring, but harmony never gets old.  

5.  Ever since I was a baby and continuing still, I get the hiccups almost every day!  Strange...

6.  Last, but not least:  I can hear the mailman coming up my street about a mile away!  My children call it Mom's super-sonic hearing.  The irony of it all is that quite often, I can't hear the end of Jeremy's sentences.  You know, his voice drops off to some inaudible frequency that even my super-sonic powers can not detect!  

So, there you have it!  I'll never even try to pretend I'm not quirky.  
And now I tag:  Jeremy, Tressa, Emily D., Brooke, Janey, Julie Mc., and Elyse. (and anyone else who wants to be tagged.)


Randi said...

josh why did you not anwser me! Are'nt we penpals?

Hi lando hi wesley hi Allison hi jackson!


Randi said...

I love it! I did not know that about you! Anytime I am in Utah, and in the posession of a new can of tennis balls I will let you have the first whiff.
Love you, Angel Hair!

Anonymous said...

Alright Jaq, let's hear the other quirkies, you are always so interesting!

B said...

the second i read the one about you chewing you drinks i could totally see it in my head. your jaw going up down up down, chew chew chew swallow. heehee. i'm in the process of straining my brain to think of some quirks, that i know i have, but just can't think of yet; that's why I haven't done the tag yet.

Teresa said...

I totally didn't remember the chewing your drinks thing until I read it and I just started laughing because I remember having a conversation about that when we were younger.

Kevin and Emily said...

These were so fun to read. You guys are awesome! I did this tag once and it was pretty fun. Hope you guys are well!